JAMES REDFIELD, NEALE DONALD WALSCH AND MARIANNE WILLIAMSON will facilitate a prayer service in Washington D.C. at 5:30 pm EST on Saturday, February 21.

This will be held at the United Memorial Methodist Church at 3401 Nebraska Ave. NW, in Washington. Services around the world, in at least l4 countries and over twenty-five American cities, will begin at precisely the same time. Please join the vigil whether you are at an official service or not. A half hour later, from 6:00 to 6:05 pm EST, which is 3:00 to 3:05 pm PST and ll:00 to ll:05 pm London time, there will be worldwide silence and meditation for divine resolution. Please urge all participants to repeat the meditation, at that same time, daily for seven days.


The organizers of this service encourage participants to pray or meditate -- consistent with their spiritual values -- for divine resolution of the Iraqi crisis. We believe that prayers and meditation, held with the strongest possible faith, intention and love, make a difference. Thus, we visualize that Sadam Hussein, along with President Clinton and all the world's leaders, be infused with divine guidance and wisdom, and that all parties involved quickly begin a genuine movement toward peace.

Please call (202) 544-1219 or (805)565-8757 for further information.

Robert L. Stilger, Executive Director
Northwest Regional Facilitators
East 525 Mission Avenue
Spokane, WA 99202

(509) 484 6733
(509) 483 0345 (fax)